With the Pro plan, you can add not only fixed but also dynamic values to button labels and button links. This means you can create just one widget but show a different set of buttons with their own labels and URLs depending on the product. You can achieve this by using product metafields.

<aside> ↗️ Learn about metafields in Shopify


<aside> ⚠️ All metafields used in the app **must follow these requirements:

-** belong to the Products category


To add metafields to the button of the widget, follow the steps below:

  1. In the widget editor, go to the Buttons tab and select the button.

  2. For either Label or Link (or both) choose the Metafield source.

  3. Hit Select metafield.

  4. In the metafield modal window, you can:

  1. Save changes in the widget.


After you’ve created the metafields and added them to the widget’s buttons, add metafield values to products in the admin. To add metafield values for many products at once, use the product bulk editor. Learn how to edit metafields in bulk.

For example: Fill in text in the button-widget-label that will further be displayed as the button label for this product, and insert a URL in the button-widget-url field that will further serve as the source for the button link.

<aside> ⚠️ Note that if you leave metafield values empty, the button for this product will be hidden.


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